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When we enter that such complex period of life like adolescence, and our cognitive progress becomes more mature, we start to experiment our experiences more intensively. We believe we understand the reason behind things, and rebellion becomes manifest in all its forms. Human beings are curious by nature and, as we discover different things, we want to satisfy that thirst for new things, sometimes even that which is prohibited. The decisions we take during our youth are the fruit, on many occasions, of our hormones that are boiling over, and due to a lack of reflection because we act y impulse, also there is a lack of experience and therefore analysis.

Our parents can give us all the counsel about what is good or what is bad, but until we suffer a fall, we do not understand. It seems, we learn more from our good acts, than from our bad ones, according to a study issued by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Nevertheless, errors form part of that learning w experience throughout our entire life. Errors should not interfere in the development of our self-esteem, even more, unconsciously, and although sometimes we do not see it, they give us knowledge and make us stronger. This does not mean that we should make errors to grow as persons, no; but making mistakes is human, it should not be negative. Try to do good, is the correct way, and accept that we are not perfect and that we have our limits helps us to improve as persons. In this case, humility is your best ally, and arrogance your worst enemy.

When we try something for the “first time”, the same questions always arise, the same worries. One feels fear, uncertainty, curiosity, excitement, a mixture of feelings that we are only capable of controlling as time passes, and not always. Our “first times” will forever mark the trajectory of our life. And fortunately, or unfortunately, many of those “first times”, we experience at an age in which our personality is still being formed. For example, in just a few years, between 13 and 20, we live our most significant first times. Our first kiss, the first discotheque, the first time going out without our parents, the first cinema with a boy, our first sexual relationship, our first alcoholic drink, our first period, our first book, our first computer, our first high heels, our first moments of love, lovelessness, and a long etcetera. The feelings provoked by those first times do not change over the years. We get married later, or we live together as couples, and when we get to know someone with whom we want to maintain a long-lasting relationship, form a family, we are already at adult age, and each of us have our own back-pack full of experiences and first times already experienced. And, nevertheless, we want to continue experimenting new “first times”. The importance of “the first time” do not vary over the years, because illusion and hope are still so present as at the beginning. And love, in the different periods of our lives, continues being the motor that moves our hearts, that feeds our desires, that helps to form our projects and that turns our universe upside down. I think there is no age limit for love, or for the “first times”. They always will be there, waiting to be discovered by the most worrisome and tenacious souls. They will continue feeding our special capacity to continue feeling alive and continue loving with the same passion that one day our youthful heart experienced. “First times”, independently of which environment or field, are and will be important, they do not pass inadvertently, they always leave their print. And you, do you have memories of your first times?